Hillhouse Investigations, Inc.
Demonic Possession Page
Have you or a loved one been recently concerned with any of the following symptoms:
1. Abrupt changes in eye color
2. Bloating
3. Drooling
4. Raspy Voice
5. Ability to speak in tongues
6. An incredible urge to drink the blood of a small, baptized youth
7. A strong desire to kill Christians
8. Ability to communicate with dogs
9. Constantly filing your finger and toe nails into sharp, dagger-like points
Then you may be suffering from demonic possession. Please be aware, however, that if you are suffering from 2,3, and 4 only, you may simply have a case of the common cold. However, combined with the rest of symptoms 1, and 5-9, you may very well be possessed by a demon.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Am I possessed by Satan?
A: Actually, it's very rare to be possessed by the Dark Prince himself, and , in fact, very arrogant to assume that you are. In reality, only one-tenth of one percent of demon possessions are by Devil.
Q: If I am not possessed by Satan, then who?
A: It's not always a question of who, but what. There are many different servants to Satan that are specially designed for possession of human souls. They take the appearance and mannerisms of many animals of the more vicious nature: Wolves, wild dogs, wild cats, tortoises, etc. However, it is common to be possessed by a recently deceased relative (and we stress recently) or Satan's famous daughter, Jezebel.
Q: How did I become possessed?
A: There are many factors determining who becomes possessed. Ask yourself the following questions: Have I bathed lately? Have I recently told any highly offensive jokes? Have I intentionally poked fun at Christians? Have I purposely mutilated a small, defenseless animal for no other reason than my own guilt-free pleasure? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you may have weakened your PIS allowing the possession to take place.
Q: What is PIS?
A: PIS is your Possession Immunity System. As you go on with life and become more and more cynical, you weaken your PIS allowing demons an easier access to your soul. Unfortunately, many children today are born to parents with incredibly high cynicism levels and are thus born without any PIS making them easy targets for demonic possession.
Q: Who do I call to rid myself of this demon?
A: Hillhouse Investigations, of course. Sure, there are many witch doctors and exorcists just dying to rid your soul of Satan's spawn. However, at Hillhouse investigation, we offer a full guarantee that you will no longer be possessed, will never be possessed again, plus you will be left with fresh minty breath. Call Hillhouse Today!